Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Bobi Is the World’s Oldest Dog

Bobi Is the World’s Oldest Dog

In January we lauded Spike, the 23-year-old chihuahua recognized by Guinness Records as the world’s oldest dog. Now we learn that Spike is a mere puppy compared to Bobi, a Portuguese breed of livestock guardian dog known as the Rafeiro do Alentejo, who clocks in at a whopping 31 years old.

Bobi is not only the oldest living dog, he is the oldest ever, as he blows past the Australian cattle-dog named Bluey, who lived – and lived – in the 20th century for 29-plus years. Bobi enjoyed his 31st – a traditional Portuguese birthday party with about 100 (human) friends – in the rural village of Conqueiros, where he has lived his entire long life.

Bobi’s owner, Leonel Costa, shared the secrets to Bobi’s longevity. He eats only human food (unseasoned), lives in a “calm, peaceful environment,” has never been attached to a leash or a tree, and is very sociable, making friends with many different animals he meets, including cats. 

With that kind of life, who wouldn’t want to live forever?

Here’s a nice video of Bobi, who is pretty spry for an old guy. Many happy returns, old man.

Photo credit: Guinness World Records

White Baby Bison Is One In Ten Million

White Baby Bison Is One In Ten Million

Elephant Mundi Jets to Freedom After 35 Years In Solitary

Elephant Mundi Jets to Freedom After 35 Years In Solitary