Manuela Hoelterhoff


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New Pandas Drop In China

New Pandas Drop In China

A pair of giant pandas were born this week at the Qinling Panda Research Center in Shaanxi province, southwestern China. The male and female twins are reportedly healthy and definitely adorable.

Even giants start small: the boy and girl weighed in at 176.4 grams and 151.2 grams, respectively. That’s less than a third of a pound each. Their mom, Qing Qing, who was also born at the breeding facility, gave birth here to female twins in 2020. No word on the father. 

There are now an estimated 1,800 pandas in the wild, with another 500 in zoos and reserves. Most of both populations live in the mountainous forests of Sichuan province. 

Last year Chinese officials said the iconic bear was no longer considered endangered, but the panda’s living space continues to shrink as farms and industry encroach on its habitat. Welcome to Earth, little ones, and good luck with that.

Photo credit: Qinling Giant Panda Research Center via AP

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