Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Zelensky presents Medal to Patron

Zelensky presents Medal to Patron

Patron, the Jack Russell terrier that has sniffed out hundreds of Russian explosives in Ukraine, received a medal this week. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky honored the bomb-sniffing dog — and his owner, Mykhailo Iliev of the Civil Protection Service — in recognition of their service to the country.

Justin Trudeau was on hand for the medal ceremony. After Patron barked at the Canadian prime minister, Trudeau pretended to search his pockets for treats, while promising actual gifts for Zelensky. Namely: more military assistance, drone cameras, satellite imagery, small arms, ammunition and other support, including funding for demining operations.”

The president was pleased. “In the presence of Mr. Prime Minister, I awarded our sappers today,” Zelensky said, referring to the mine-clearing engineers. “In particular, a small but very famous sapper - Patron. A dog who helps clean our land from the traces of the occupiers. And who also helps teach children mine safety. Due to the Russian invaders, this is now one of the most urgent tasks - to teach children to recognize and avoid explosive objects.”

Patron, whose name means “ammo” in Ukrainian, was trained to sniff out mines at the start of the war in February. When he’s not saving lives with his nose, the 2-year-old is visiting children in hospitals. A very good dog.

Clips of Patron receiving honors here:

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