Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Skunk Pig Steals Cheetos, Subaru

Skunk Pig Steals Cheetos, Subaru

In Cornville, Arizona a javelina – also known as the skunk pig or peccary – broke into a Subaru Hatchback last week and feasted on a bag of Cheetos. In its haste to flee the scene, the thief accidentally (?) threw the car into neutral and took a joyride across the street.

“His attempt to exit the vehicle proved to be more cumbersome than entering,” reads the Yavapai County Sheriff's Office's statement. “The Javelina tore off a portion of the dashboard, the passenger door interior and knocked the vehicle into neutral, which caused it to roll out of the driveway and across the street until stopping under some trees.”

Happily, a Yavapia deputy was on the scene to open the hatch and free the little guy.

The javelina is a medium-sized pig-like hoofed mammal that grows to three or four feet in length and weighs up to 90 pounds. They can be seen in small herds called “squadrons” in the southwestern US, as well as all over Central and South America, and in the Caribbean. If they learn to drive their range will expand even farther.

Photo credit: Yavapai County Sheriff's Office

Swifts Fly High on Moonlit Nights

Swifts Fly High on Moonlit Nights

Sea Turtle Gets Acupuncture

Sea Turtle Gets Acupuncture