Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Sea Turtle Gets Acupuncture

Sea Turtle Gets Acupuncture

Bassoon the sea turtle is recovering nicely at the National Aquarium in Baltimore thanks to some alternative medicine. The Kemp’s Ridley was rescued along with 29 other sea turtles in November, when they were stranded in the too-cold waters off Cape Cod.

After some triage at the New England Aquarium in Boston, the patients headed south to Baltimore for long-term rehabilitation. Bassoon’s condition was critical. He was unable to open his jaw to eat and had to get his nutrients via IV. A CT scan revealed myositis of the jaw muscles, for which Bassoon received anti-inflammatory injections, physical therapy, and eventually daily acupuncture treatments.

"While acupuncture isn't commonly performed, we have used this treatment successfully in the past with other reptiles like snakes and lizards," Dr. Aimee Berliner, the Aquarium’s Animal Health and Welfare director, said in a statement. "We're so pleased to see Bassoon's progress and look forward to the day when we can return him to his ocean home."

Most of the turtles rescued in November were typical cold-stun cases after straying into waters too cold for their species, resulting in infections, emaciation, skin lesions, and dehydration. So far 15 of 30 patients have been returned to their warmer ocean home in sunny Florida.

The Aquarium vets are optimistic Bassoon will join them soon. The acupuncture treatments are done and the juvenile turtle can now fully open his jaw and forage on his own. Godspeed, Bassoon.

Photo credit: National Aquarium

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