Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Succession’s Cromwell Saves Another Pig Named “Babe”

Succession’s Cromwell Saves Another Pig Named “Babe”

When we last checked in on actor James Cromwell, he was super-glueing himself to a Starbucks counter to protest the inflated price of plant-based milk. This week he is attending to a new cause: a baby pig that had fallen (jumped?) off a truck on the way to the slaughterhouse.

The piglet was rescued and earned itself entry to Indraloka Animal Sanctuary in Pennsylvania, as well as a Zoom meeting with Cromwell, who will help this Babe make the move when it’s healthy enough, according to a  statement by PETA. You can watch here.

“We're going to go to a sanctuary and you're gonna meet a lot of other incredible animals,” the Succession star assured his new little friend.

Cromwell gave a more expansive statement via PETA: “Having had the privilege of witnessing and experiencing pigs’ intelligence and inquisitive personalities while filming the movie Babe, I jumped at the chance to give a real-life Babe a new lease on life. Every pig deserves to live out their life at a sanctuary, choosing when to frolic, where to forage, and how to spend their time.”

We can file this touching episode under Life Imitating Art. Cromwell played Farmer Hoggett in the 1995 movie Babe, which tells the story of a piglet who escapes becoming Christmas dinner when Hoggett wins him at a county fair. The film inspired Cromwell – a longtime vegetarian and an honorary director at PETA – to go full vegan.

The 83-year-old Cromwell, ever the showman, closed his Zoom call with the same closing line of the movie: “That'll do pig, that'll do.”

 Photo credit: PETA and IMDb

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