Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Hochul Ban Ends the Puppy Mill Pipeline

Hochul Ban Ends the Puppy Mill Pipeline

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has just signed legislation that will ban the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits at retail pet shops throughout the state, a move intended to end the inhumane conditions rampant in the commercial breeder industry. The ban kicks in December 2024.

“Dogs, cats, and rabbits across New York deserve loving homes and humane treatment,” Hochul said at the signing. “I'm proud to sign this legislation, which will make meaningful steps to cut down on harsh treatment and protect the welfare of animals across the state.”

There are only about 80 pet shops in the state, but many of them have been  buying and selling animals from large-scale, abusive breeders who often eschew proper veterinary care, food, or socialization in the pursuit of profit. Those days are over, or soon will be. 

The new legislation will permit pet stores to host adoption services with animal shelters and rescue organizations.

With the new law, New York joins five other states – California, Washington, Maine, Maryland and Illinois – to end pet sales and cut off the puppy mill pipeline. That’s good news for shelter animals in need of a home. 

Humans who want a pure breed can still purchase one through private breeders; to find a responsible one, consult, whose site says “No reputable breeder sells their puppies to pet stores, ever.”

Photo credit: Mark Greenberg / HSUS

Our List: Send Some $ to Kabul and Delhi (New York) For Animals in Need

Our List: Send Some $ to Kabul and Delhi (New York) For Animals in Need

Finally, Scientists Find the Clitoris (of Snakes)

Finally, Scientists Find the Clitoris (of Snakes)