Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Idiotic New Zealand Man Harasses Orca In Video Stunt

Idiotic New Zealand Man Harasses Orca In Video Stunt

“Shocking footage,” is how the New Zealand Department of do Conservation describes a video of the 50-year-old man who tried to body slam a couple of orcas swimming near his boat off the coast of Devonport in Auckland.

“The video speaks for itself,” Hayden Loper, a principal investigator at the DOC, tells the Guardian. “It is shocking and absolutely idiotic behavior.”

The DOC was alerted to the video, which had been posted on the idiot’s Instagram page in February. The department tracked him down and slapped him with a $600 NZD (about $370 USD) fine for the stunt.

The dope had plunged into the water in the direction of an adult male orca with a calf swimming near the boat. In the video the man yells “I touched it!” to other people on the boat, before asking “did you get it?” in apparent reference to the filming of his stupidity, as the others aboard the vessel laugh and cheer.

On DOC’s website, Loper urges social media users to continue alerting the department to rampant acts of idiocy that threaten New Zealand wildlife. “This is the third case in recent years in which social media content has led to a successful prosecution for DOC and we greatly appreciate the tip-offs we get from the public.”

Social media fame is what the man wanted, and social media is what eventually did him in. Nice work. When humans behave like this we’re inclined to root for the orcas.

You can watch the atrocious video on DOC’s Facebook page.

Photo credit: Simon Hurry on Pexels

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