Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Cute Trio  of Snake-Chewing Desert Cats Just Dropped At NC Zoo

Cute Trio  of Snake-Chewing Desert Cats Just Dropped At NC Zoo

The desert cat, so elusive in the wild, just increased its population by three, as triplet kittens have arrived at the North Carolina Zoo. Zookeepers don’t know the sex of the new arrivals yet, but they are “small enough to fit into the palm of your hand,” according to the zoo’s press release. “The kittens were born to first-time mother Sahara, 3, and father Cosmo, 9.”

Cosmo has some previous parental experience, having sired Layla, now living at the Greensboro Science Center. The zoo reports that Sahara and triplets are doing well, as the newborns have begun to explore their surroundings.

“Though they appear adorable with big ears, eyes, and petite frame, looks can be deceiving,” the zoo warns. “Zookeepers are quick to tell you they are wild, ferocious animals that should never be kept as pets. These small and mighty hunters kill venomous snakes in the desert. They are the only cats to live exclusively in desert environments.”

Cosmo and Sahara are fruitful participants in the Sand Cat Species Survival Plan implemented by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, which is trying to establish a genetically diverse population of the felines. To date there are more than 50 sand cats spread across a couple dozen AZA institutions.

The zoo in Asheboro, NC has been particularly fecund lately. A week after the sand kittens arrived, a male giraffe calf was born; the following day a bouncing baby chimpanzee (male) joined the party. Welcome to Earth, all.

Photo credit: North Carolina Zoo

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