Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Putin Shells Ukraine’s Pets

Putin Shells Ukraine’s Pets

Ukrainian people are fighting, fleeing or sheltering in place. Compounding the human tragedy of the creepy little tyrant’s crazy war, the animals of Ukraine are likewise under siege. There are farms, zoos, circuses, and of course pets, that are in emergency need of food, shelter, and supplies.

One animal shelter in Gorlovka was badly damaged when it was hit by shelling. The blast killed at least one dog. The courageous staff has stayed on to care for the animals, but they are in desperate need of food. The International Fund for Animal Welfare is collecting donations for the cause at

The compiled a list of other places in and near Ukraine that can use a hand taking care of animals:

Shelter Ugolyok is an animal rescue and farm sanctuary in Ukraine with hundreds of animals in need of food and supplies. Donate via PayPal (, Venmo (pawsofhelp) and Patreon (

UAnimals has sent assistance to at least 14 animal shelters across Ukraine, and is also working to help animals at zoos and circuses.

Happy Paw is a Kyiv-based nonprofit that supports animal shelters throughout Ukraine.
Sirius, an animal shelter in Kyiv and nearby suburbs. “We are not going to run! We must believe in our country and our defenders!”

Romanian nonprofit at the Ukraine border, Casa lui Patrocle. “Volunteers are helping to find housing, shelter and veterinary assistance for animals in need of help — regardless of species.”

PETA’s Global Compassion Fund supports refugees with pets at the Polish border and has been getting pet food and blankets to shelters in Ukraine.

International Animal Protection League is run by former fashion photographer Andrea Cisternino (“I’d rather die here with my animals!”) and wife, Vlada Shalutko. The animal refuge outside of Kyiv houses hundreds of homeless dogs, cats, and farm critters. Donate at

Photo credit: Marcus Yam

Ukrainian Gorilla Tony Needs You Too

Ukrainian Gorilla Tony Needs You Too

Hank the Tank Is Part of a Battalion

Hank the Tank Is Part of a Battalion