All tagged LiveScience

Fashion Tips From Moby Dick

Since 2007, marine biologists and interested amateurs have been observing a curious behavior of humpback whales called “kelping,” in which the giant cetaceans seem to be playing with seaweed. Now researchers from Griffiths University in Australia have looked into the phenomenon; their study appears in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.

Incels Behaving Badly

Male mice are freaked out by bananas, and now we know why. Researchers at McGill University in Montreal discovered the fruit fear while analyzing spiking stress hormones in male mice when they are near pregnant or lactating females. The boys are triggered by a compound in the females’ urine called n-pentyl acetate, which also happens to be the compound that gives bananas their smell!

Octopus Mom Eats Herself

When an octopus mom’s eggs are close to hatching, she will start acting a little bit nuts. She may stop eating, tear at her own flesh, beat herself against a rock; and if she does eat, the meal might be pieces of her own arms. The gruesome self-flagellation continues until death.