Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Guinness Puts ‘World’s Oldest Dog’ Record On Paws

Guinness Puts ‘World’s Oldest Dog’ Record On Paws

Last year we noted the longevity of Bobi, both at his incredible 31st birthday, and at his passing in October. Now the arbiter of such things, Guinness World Records, is investigating  Bobi’s advanced age, which has been questioned by veterinarians.

Bobi was, allegedly, a 31-year-old guard dog who lived (and lived, and lived) on a farm in the Portuguese village of Conqueiros. He was proclaimed to be the world’s oldest living dog as well as the oldest dog who ever lived last February. 

“While our review is ongoing we have decided to temporarily pause both the record titles for oldest dog living and ever just until all of our findings are in place,” Guinness World Records told the Associated Press.

Guinness said it had been hearing from vets and other professionals who found the purported dog’s age literally incredible. Bobi was a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, a breed with an average life expectancy of only about 10 to 14 years. The notion that a doggo could live more than double that age is tough to swallow.

Bobi’s owner, Leonel Costa, is sticking by his dog’s ripe old age. He told the AP that Guinness World Records had spent a year checking the claim and that he has earned no money from the record.

When the record was awarded Costa attributed a “calm, peaceful environment” to Boba’s staying power, and that the pooch ate only human food (unseasoned), had never been attached to a leash or a tree, and was very sociable, making friends with many different animals he meets, including cats.

It’s a lovely story, but maybe unbelievable. We shall see.

Photo credit: Patricia De Melo Moreira / Agence France-Presse / Getty Images

Coming Soon: A Trillion Loud, Smelly and Delicious Cicadas

Coming Soon: A Trillion Loud, Smelly and Delicious Cicadas

Would Lab-Grown Rhino Horn Stop the Poaching?

Would Lab-Grown Rhino Horn Stop the Poaching?