Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Mikolas the Pygmy Hippo Debuts in Czech Zoo

Mikolas the Pygmy Hippo Debuts in Czech Zoo

A zoo in the Czech Republic has announced the birth of an adorable pygmy hippopotamus, a wee male named Mikolas. The baby boy was born in December but unveiled to the public this week at the Dvur Kralove Zoo, about 75 miles east of Prague.

Spectators watched little Mikolas exploring his indoor enclosure as his mom, Malaya, kept a close eye on the new addition. With Mikolas’s arrival, the pygmy hippo population at the zoo is now four, including Malaya, another female and a male.

The population in the wild – the swamplands of western Africa – is only about 2,500. The species is listed as endangered, as it faces the usual threats of habitat loss, poaching, and occasional war.

Pygmy hippos tend to do well in captivity. Unlike their larger counterparts, the little guys are reclusive and live in small, benign groups rather than dangerous herds. The pygmy is small but not tiny, as it will weigh over 500 pounds as an adult.

Although the species acclimates nicely to posh indoor living, there has not been a lot of reproduction lately. Only about a dozen were born in zoos globally last year, partly because of a lack of males in play. Hopefully the new guy will be able to do his part when he matures, in about three to five years.

Welcome to Earth, Mikolas. A short video here.

Photo credit: Petr David Josek / AP Photo

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