Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Animals Need Help As Hawaii Burns

Animals Need Help As Hawaii Burns

Devastating fires on Maui are still burning and, at latest count, 80 people have been killed in the disaster and hundreds of houses and other buildings are destroyed. The death toll will no doubt rise as the destruction is evaluated and communication can be restored on the island.

While humans scramble to survive in the ongoing disaster, animals – pets, farm animals, wildlife – are likewise fighting for their lives.

“Come into the shelter and temporarily foster a dog,” the Maui Humane Society pleaded on Facebook. “We are expecting an inundation of hundreds of animals who have been burned, lost during the evacuation process and those in need of critical care due to smoke inhalation.”

If you can’t adopt a pet, temporarily or otherwise, the animal rescue needs supplies. “We need donations. Pet food, pop-up kennels, and litter are pivotal to providing sustenance to animals, as staff and volunteers are putting together kits for families and animals in need.”

Pets left behind aren’t the only animals in need. The Kaonoulu Ranch has set up space for residents needing to evacuate farm and ranch animals. Some owners had to simply turn their animals loose. “Had to let my horses run free in the upper Loniapoko area,”  farrier Nicole Rockett told Animals 24-7.  “Would just like to know they are okay.  Any help would be appreciated.”

It will be some time before damage to wildlife is assessed. For now, Maui’s Haleakala National Park – 33,265 acres that are home to more endangered species (mostly plants) than any other US national park – has been closed.

Visit the Maui Humane Society website for more info and to donate. The group has also set up an Amazon Wish List.

Photo credit: Maui Humane Society

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