Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Dog Eats Fitbit But It All Comes Out In the End

Dog Eats Fitbit But It All Comes Out In the End

A dog in Caseville, Michigan happened upon a Fitbit in her owner’s bedroom. Being a dog, she sized up the wireless fitness tracker and decided the device was edible. 

“I had my Fitbit plugged in on my dresser upstairs,” said Marie Fournier, as quoted in a Pet Poison Helpline news release. “After a couple of days of looking for it, I opened the app and confirmed it must be around because someone was using it. It was hilarious. It had been tracking movement and it was like I rode my bicycle outside for 20 minutes.”

There are two dogs in the Fournier household, lovely golden retrievers named Halley and Harley. “I began to suspect that perhaps Halley had eaten it because she was acting strangely,” Fournier explained. “I put Halley in the car with me and drove around the block, but the app wasn’t tracking. Then I did the same thing with Harley and found out she was the real culprit. Halley’s strange behavior must have been empathy for her sister.”

So they brought Harley in for an X-ray, which confirmed she’d ingested the Fitbit and another mass they couldn’t identify. The vets tried to induce vomiting but that was a no-go, so they had to do a surgery. Fitbits contain lithium polymer batteries, and it had to come out.

The other mass turned out to be a rock the size of a peach pit. “It’s actually lucky that Harley ate the Fitbit,” said Fournier. “If she hadn’t, we wouldn’t have known about the rock, and it might have caused far more damage or death. Even after they removed the Fitbit from her stomach, it is still working.”

As if all this wasn’t enough drama, Fournier took the opportunity to have Harley spayed while she was under the knife. That’s a tough day for a dog.


Photo credit: Pet Poison Helpline

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