Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Five Years on the Lam With Kangaroos

Five Years on the Lam With Kangaroos

A sheep named Sugar, who had escaped from an Australian farm five years ago, was spotted living in a mob of wild kangaroos at a reservoir 20 miles from Melbourne.

It took many weeks and a concerted effort by Melbourne Water, Forever Friends Animal Rescue Sanctuary, and Vets for Compassion to finally rescue the wayward sheep. Sugar appeared to be in good health (“It seems like his kangaroo friends took good care of him,” Forever Friends posted on Instagram), but he needed a haircut. The shearers lopped off five years of wool growth, which came to about 28 pounds.

Sugar will now be temporarily rehomed to Forever Friends Animal Sanctuary in the Yarra Ranges. The veterinarians from Vets for Compassion are on hand to administer Sugar's healthcare, and wool clippers Shear Delight will see to his tonsorial needs.

We’re glad Sugar is being well taken care of, but we wonder if he’ll miss his kangaroo friends.

Photo credit: Melbourne Water via Facebook

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