Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Extremely Rare Rhino Born in English Zoo

Extremely Rare Rhino Born in English Zoo

If you’ve never witnessed the birth of a rhinoceros, do we have a video for you. This month the Chester Zoo in Cheshire, England announced the birth of the extremely rare Eastern black rhino.

The female calf, as yet unnamed, was born to a new mom, Zuri. Mother and daughter are said to be inseparable and are doing well.

“We’d been eagerly awaiting this birth for 15 long months,” the zoo’s Rhino Team Manager, Emma Evison, said in a press release. “It’s quite unusual for a rhino to give birth in daylight hours, we really didn’t expect it to happen right in front of us as we were going about our day. To witness the calf safely entering the world, in front of our very own eyes, was just the most incredible privilege.”

The eastern black rhino, a victim of relentless poaching, is designated Critically Endangered by the IUCN. There are fewer than 600 in the wild across Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda, but there is reason for optimism: this year, for the first time in more than a decade, rhino numbers have increased slightly across Africa. 

The zoo says the modest progress is due to successful conservation efforts, such as their own. The zoo houses the UK's only zoo-based endocrine lab and has established another specialist lab in Kenya, so researchers coordinate their efforts with rangers and vets in the field. You can support their work here.

Photo credit: Chester Zoo

Looking Back on the Cyclone that Smashed Through Mozambique

Looking Back on the Cyclone that Smashed Through Mozambique

Where Did All the Orcas Go? 

Where Did All the Orcas Go?