Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Why Is This Doghouse Worth $300,000?

Why Is This Doghouse Worth $300,000?

On April 23, 2019 at 9:07 pm, the Costa Rican town of Aguas Zarcas took a hit from outer space. A German Shepherd named Roky was chilling in his backyard when a small meteorite tore through the tin roof of his doghouse. Fortunately, Roky was unharmed by the extraterrestrial missile.

His house took a hit, though. The meteorite put a seven-inch hole in the roof and demolished the pressed-wood floor. Besides Roky escaping unscathed, the owners of the doghouse are in luck for another reason: Christie’s is currently accepting bids on the dinged dog house, which is estimated to be worth between $200,000 - $300,000. As of this writing, the bidding is up to $16,000, with the auction closing in four days.

There is no known case of a meteorite taking a human life and only one instance of an unlucky animal killed by a rock from space: a Venezuelan cow that took one in the neck in 1972. That deadly missile is also up for auction, estimated by Christie’s to fetch between $3,000 - $5,000.

Google Maps will take you to the exact spot of the Costa Rican impact when you type in the coordinates: 10°24'09.4"N 84°21'51.3"W.

Photo credit: Christie's


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