Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Tired No More

Tired No More

A crocodile in Indonesia with a motorcycle tire stuck around its neck for the past six years is finally free.

“Rescuers fear that if the tire is not removed soon it will strangle the crocodile in the next few months because of its growing body,” warned National Geographic’s youtube channel – more than four years ago.

The tired croc was first spotted two years before that, on the banks of the Palu river in Sulawesi Province. For six years would-be rescuers tried and failed to relieve the 17-foot-long croc of his burden, but now “a self-taught reptile rescuer,” as the BBC described him, has got the job done.

“I just wanted to help, I hate seeing animals trapped and suffering,” said Tili, the 34-year-old bird-seller who used chicken to lure the crocodile and ropes to snare the big guy. Dozens of locals assisted in the rescue and removal of the tire, carefully done with a handsaw.

In January 2020, Central Sulawesi's Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) offered a reward to anyone who could remove the rubber necklace, but then rescinded the offer, fearing it might endanger the animal. Now that the rescue has been safely executed, BKSDA says they’ll honor the deal, the amount of the award undisclosed.

“Yesterday was a historic day for us, we are grateful the crocodile was finally rescued and we appreciate the locals who showed concern for the wildlife,” said BKSDA chief Hasmuni Hasmar. “We will award Tili for his effort in rescuing the wildlife.”

Watch the tire-ectomy here:

Photo credit: Antara / The Jakarta Post

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