Manuela Hoelterhoff


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What Are Ponies Good For? 

What Are Ponies Good For? 

For decades kids and their families have flocked to Griffith Park Pony Rides of Los Angeles without knowing they have engaged in animal torture.

But the fun ends on December 21. Badgered by animal rights zealots, the city’s elders have ordered the park to shut – just in time for the holidays! 

Ride owner, Steve Weeks, lamented on Facebook. “After 74 years serving the children and parents of Los Angeles, this iconic institution will be closed forever by order of the City. You have all followed our fight against these few radical animal rights activists. Despite our year long fight to answer the untrue statements of these individuals, our efforts were not heard.”

The fanatics in question belong to the Los Angeles Alliance for Animals, which has been protesting the rides for months. The Alliance posted photos of sad-looking ponies on its Facebook page, launched a petition to end the rides, and showed up in force in the park with bullhorns and placards to condemn what they call animal cruelty.  Oh please. Take a day trip to a slaughterhouse.

The scorching heat of the fall understandably provoked concern for both humans and beasts.  But maybe instead of shutting down a beloved destination, there could be sensible time outs for heat days?

Couldn’t these sensitive souls find a better cause, like Pets for the Homeless given the city’s housing challenges? 

And what happens now to the unemployed ponies?

What are ponies good for anyway? Last we checked they were put on this earth to give rides.  

Photo credit: Los Angeles Alliance for Animals via Facebook

Albania Finally Frees Mark the Restaurant Bear 

Albania Finally Frees Mark the Restaurant Bear 

Fighting Pigs Could Teach Humans Conflict Mediation

Fighting Pigs Could Teach Humans Conflict Mediation