Manuela Hoelterhoff


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RIP Hattie von und zu Hoelterhoff (2015-2022)

RIP Hattie von und zu Hoelterhoff (2015-2022)

Celebrated beagle Hattie dies after a brief struggle with lymphoma.

As HH (Horrible Hattie) she was renowned for deflecting invading cats and men in uniform. We kept a drawer with twenty and fifty-dollar bills depending on the depth of the bite along with apologies she penned (oh ha) with her killer paws. 

Here’s one from the files:

 She fattened up and slowed down a bit this year which we blamed on her appetite for extras and boarding house reach. But she was plump because of a cancerous lump. Like all our beagles, Hattie was a shelter dog. She was also amusing, devoted and utterly lovable.


Clever Dumpster Birds Learn to Detox Poisonous Toads

Clever Dumpster Birds Learn to Detox Poisonous Toads

Florida Man! Save Some Pie For Your Starving Manatees

Florida Man! Save Some Pie For Your Starving Manatees