Manuela Hoelterhoff


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Biggest Baby Giraffe Ever Named After Poet Wilfred Owen

Biggest Baby Giraffe Ever Named After Poet Wilfred Owen

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire, England has introduced a new giraffe to the world, six-foot-tall Wilfred, born on Remembrance Day (Veterans’ Day, across the pond). The new arrival is named after World War I poet Wilfred Owen.

“He’s certainly a big boy – the biggest new-born giraffe I’ve ever seen,” gushed the zoo’s deputy team leader Michael Hepher. “We haven’t officially measured him yet, but he’s definitely taller than me and I am six-foot!”

That six feet is about the distance Wilfred dropped when he entered the world, since his mom Luna, like all giraffes, gave birth while standing. Within an hour, this bouncing baby boy was taking his first wobbly steps, mostly in the direction of Luna.

“Wilfred is Luna’s third calf and she has been a wonderful, attentive mum as always,” Hepher said. “Alongside dad Bashu, who has also been very caring – leaning down to lick and clean the youngster.”

“ZSL” stands for Zoological Society London, a nonprofit founded in 1826 devoted to the conservation of animals and habitats. It maintains the London Zoo as well as Wilfred’s home in Whipsnade Park.

Behind-the-scenes video of Wilfred, taken just hours after his birth, are somehow soothing to watch:

Photo credit: ZLS Whipsnade

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